The Reactive Revolution: Leveraging Microservices to build Scalable, Agile, and Resilient Systems

13TH JAN 2023


The Reactive Revolution: Leveraging Microservices to build Scalable, Agile, and Resilient Systems

Date & Time



60 minutes

Enterprise development has changed drastically with the emergence of internet and cloud computing. Microservices have become the de facto standard for the development of large-scale systems, which are scalable, agile, and suitable for the emerging demands. The asynchronous communication inside and between Microservices makes the system reactive, manage interaction challenges and serve to millions of requests.

The key principle of a reactive microservices system is Divide and Conquer – the decomposition of the system into individual and isolated sub-systems communicating over well-defined interfaces and protocols. Isolation is a prerequisite for resilience and elasticity and requires asynchronous communication boundaries between services to decouple them by allowing concurrency, distribution, and mobility.

In this webinar, our panel of experts will provide an overview of Reactive Microservices and delve into the key concepts, benefits, and challenges of implementing this approach. We’ll also provide access to a code repository that you can use to further explore Reactive Microservices in your own projects.

Key Takeaways and Value Adds

  • Learn Reactive Microservices concepts
  • Benefits of Reactive Microservices
  • Challenges of Reactive Microservices
  • Access to Reactive Microservices code repository

Who Will Benefit Most from Attending

This webinar is designed for professionals with a basic understanding of Microservices who wish to learn more.

Whether you are a software developer, architect, or project manager who is responsible for developing and deploying enterprise systems, or anyone with a foundational understanding of Microservices, you will find valuable insights and information in this webinar.

Meet the Speakers


Rameel Rahman

Principal Solution Architect

Rameel is accountable for delivering strategic directions, consulting, standards, and technology guidance to the organisation and the business leaders, with the goal in achieving business objectives. His primary roles include developing architecture frameworks, architecture governance and architecture strategies. To ensure sound investment decisions he participates in long-term software architecture orientation.


Arunnath T R

Technical Architect

Arunnath is responsible for delivering robust, scalable solution for clinical healthcare systems. He has expertise in providing solutions for consumer electronics, infrastructure security and energy domains. He is responsible for plan and design structure of software systems for various systems which involves Embedded software, IoT, Clinical Data Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twin.

How to Register and Join the Webinar

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You can join the webinar using the link from your iOS and Android mobile and tablet devices, as well as on your computers.